SLOTHSEA Chart of the week – Beyond Shipping: Carriers’ Expanding Terminal Footprint
The recent acquisition of a large portion of Hutchison Ports Holding by the TiL – Blackrock consortium has revealed two emerging trends in the container market:
Firstly, Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) is pursuing an aggressive strategy. Since its acquisition strategies began in 2020, MSC has contributed to increased market concentration, with the market share of the Top 10 carriers increasing by 20% over the past 8 years.
Secondly, shipping companies are expanding beyond the shipping sector. Carriers are diversifying their businesses and attempting to control the logistics industry both at sea and on land.
The graph shows a clear distinction among the main market players, with the top 4 carriers leading the expansion into land-based operations.
MSC and its terminal division TiL recently purchased the majority of Hutchison Ports in a $22.8 billion deal along with Blackrock (the largest terminal investment ever recorded), boosting MSC to the top of the GTO (Global Terminal Operator) ranking according to Drewry. The figures shown in our weekly chart in fact do not yet include the 40+ terminals currently operated by Hutchison.